(0 szt)
zobacz koszyk
dobry, okładka z niedużymi otarciami, zarysowaniami, przygięciami i naklejoną z tyłu starą ceną, na grzbiecie nieduże ślady czytania, trochę pożółkły papier i blok książki od zewnątrz, ten ostatni również nieco przybrudzony
Książka w języku angielskim.
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The seemingly endless war was at last coming to a conclusion. But for the country and for the Adams family, there were still many tribulations to be overcome. Flying bombs - the deadly V1 buzzbombs - appeared over London, causing dreadful destruction, and the struggle continued to overcome the most powerful war machine the world had ever known.
But amongst the Cockney community there were lighter moments, too. For Felicity, Eloise and Lizzy Somers there was the happiness of knowing that their menfolk were safe and well. Daniel Adams and his American girlfriend even had a brief meeting with Winston Churchill himself. And as the Third Reich began to show signs of collapse, the scent of victory was in the air.