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🟤🟤 Serdecznie zapraszamy do osobistego obejrzenia naszej oferty w antykwariacie w Krakowie, w starej części Nowej Huty - na os. Górali 6, od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 12-17 🟤🟤 🟠 Przy zamawianiu bez rejestracji, książki z koszyka są czyszczone po 24 gdz. 🟠



Wydanie kieszonkowe z ok. 1999 r. * Książka w języku angielskim

Wydawnictwo: Corgi Books
Miejsce i rok: London, ok. 1999
Wydanie: kieszonkowe

Cena: 9.00 PLN

miękka bez obwoluty
Ilość stron:
106 x 178 mm

dobry, okładka z niedużymi otarciami, zarysowaniami i przygięciami, na grzbiecie i bloku książki ślady czytania, pożółkły papier i blok książki od zewnątrz, ten ostatni również lekko przybrudzony

Dodatkowe informacje:

Książka w języku angielskim.

* * * * * * *

It was 1940, and many of the younger members of the Adams family were caught up in the war in France. Boots, now a Major and on the staff of General Sir Henry Simms, was one of the thousands of British troops trying to escape in the armada of little boats from Dunkirk. His son Tim and nephew Bobby were also struggling to reach the coast and safety, while Eloise was with the ATS awaiting the homecoming soldiers at Portsmouth with a comforting cup of tea and a ticket home. Boots and Tim both made it safely back, but of Bobby there was no sign, and the family all feared the worst.

In a farm some miles from Dunkirk, however, Bobby was alive but injured, and trapped by the advancing Germans. The farmer and his wife offered him refuge but Helene, the farmer's independent-minded daughter, was scathing about the retreating British army and gave the brave, joking young sergeant a hard time. Working in the fields, dodging the German soldiers, Bobby was desperately looking for a way to escape and Helene, despite her hostility, found herself increasingly anxious to help the Englishman to get back home. Their adventures were to thrill the Adams family when they came to hear about it.


"THE FAMILY AT WAR" Staples, Mary Jane

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