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Książka w języku angielskim.
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A great deal has changed over the past year since the Second Edition was published. Google has added many new features to help you better understand the dynamics of your digital property.
The Third Edition has been completely revised and updated to reflect today’s Google Analytics features. Reflecting user comments to prior editions, discussions and examples have also been expanded and refocused to make content even more actionable. The Third Edition shows you how you can use Google Analytics to immediately make better informed and therefore more successful decisions.
The book’s sequential approach shows you how to use and apply Google Analytics to answer questions such as:
There are also self-assessment questions, application exercises, and case studies (all with answers provided) to ensure your full understanding of Google Analytics.
Finally, the book’s content has been cross-referenced to the Google Analytics Individual Qualification exam, significantly improving your chances of passing the exam should you wish to take it.